Tuesday, July 8, 2008


As promised, some news of the project!

So far, the bot framework is on the good way... I tried as much as possible to have an easy public interface so that it should be easy for anyone to develop with the framework. The base is maturing and shouldn't change much in the future.
I've developed some basic functionalities: an administration interface, a help system, a greeting (a bot has to be polite) and a simple infobot that can memorise definitions.

At the moment, the IRC protocol is handled by the existing IRC client in Squeak. Unfortunately it relies on Morphic ( in short; the gui ). I've abstracted it so that the bot isnow completely indenpendant of it. It is planned to develop a clean IRC library which wont rely on any gui.

So what next ?
  • Continue the real world tests (yesterday was the first attempt on freenode :),
  • Polish the admin and help,
  • Add logging functionalities
  • Develop a web interface (with Aida or Seaside)
  • Develop a clean IRC library
  • Write docs

Stay tuned!
(if you see squeakbot on freenode, introduce yourself to him :)

1 comment:

vanjulio said...

sounds like good progress is being made!

I took a stab at this project back in 2003. I don't know if my notes are still available but there should be a project on SqueakMap somewhere.

I do remember launching in Morphic. That was annoying, but I did have a headless mode. I ran a headless squeak image that performed the necessary commands to log onto the channel and start being a bot. It's possible all that code is included in the class comments of the bot project on squeakmap.

Well, anyways good luck!